Think of a population affected by a global health issue. What are the difficulties that surround improving the health of that population?  Please designate which population and which global health issue to which you are referring. 


Think of a population affected by a global health issue. What are the difficulties that surround improving the health of that population?  Please designate which population and which global health issue to which you are referring. 


What are the difficulties that surround improving the health of that population?


A finite population is a population that has a group of individuals that are an object of research occupying a specific area, for instance, researching college k in London, then college k is the population. In our case here, we will look at how the people of students in a particular college are affected by the global health issue and the difficulties that surround improving the health of the population in the college. Most individuals in a college are at risk of infection or death because they are taking poor-quality medicine, which is commonly used to treat certain diseases. The following are difficulties that surround improving the health of a population;

     Pandemics affect the improvement of health in a population. This is because pandemics are likely to cause excess deaths and severe health problems. For instance, the outbreak of COVID- 19 globally caused many deaths, reducing the population of a particular affected area. Affected people continue to encounter complex and interconnected threats to their health and well-being based on social, economic, political, and environmental factors that influence health. (KURIAKOSE, 2020)

     Racial and Ethnic disparities in health, Due to the general complicated and poorly understood relations among socio-economic status, psycho-social, cognitive, and aspects of health, minority populations may bear disproportionally enormous burdens of disease as well as a health risk. Moreover, this could be due to economic disparity and access to health care.

      In conclusion, Food sourcing and supply, as well as animal health issues, is another difficulty that surrounds improvement of health in a set population; when food supplied in the population doesn’t reach the set standards, they are harmful to the health of individuals living in that particular area when they are consumed. These are diseases of production and hygiene. In addition, overlapping health issues such as zoonotic diseases may similarly affect the life of the named population.

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