ANTH: Culture, Thought and Language in Humans


Provide a deep dive into one or more semantic domains. What is this domain’s specialized vocabulary? Provide information about the cultural group that this semantic domain applies to. Connect to the text. 


Provide a deep dive into one or more semantic domains. What is this domain’s specialized vocabulary? Provide information about the cultural group that this semantic domain applies to. Connect to the text


A semantic domain is a collection of words with similar meanings. Such classifications are very significant in lexicography. Even though “the meaning of the term doesn’t really rely on the meaning of those other terms,” to determine what the meaning of a word is, it must be compared to the semantics of other, instinctively related terms.

Domain-specific vocabulary is terminology that is utilized predominantly in one field of expertise but not in others. People in History may use words like artifacts in their domain-specific vocabulary. Outsiders may not understand the meaning of these words because they are peculiar to History.

Linguistic, which are much more geographically close, stronger historically linked are used among cultures that are much more similar and which have more matched phrase meanings. The findings show that the semantics of popular phrases change according to their speakers’ culture, language, and location. If the pattern of language vocabularies follows the way of universally perceived natural divisions, then the words and phrases in various languages are strongly connected. In comparison, if shared word meanings result from common culture, language, and location might vary significantly yet predictably among languages. (Gladkova et al, 2019)

 In the text, Ahearn discusses patterns of language use and social media polarization. What are some examples you’ve seen on social media? Connect to the reader.

 When a journalist wrote an article about a Holocaust victim on the social media platform, how they interweave actual examples into the historical information of the occurrences appears to take on a structure that the journalist believes effectively conveys the victim’s narrative. Sometimes they organize the writing so that the victim’s report appears first and essential information follows, or maybe they intertwine Europe’s History with how the victim was brought up in Berlin. The language’s structure produces a rhythm of telling that is distinctive to both the writer and the tale. (Demszky et al, 2019)

Language patterns can also influence how images are conveyed to readers in social media. Writers both have their writing styles. Thus the way they construct a picture for their reader is determined by the words they use and the structure in which they employ them. Some wish to communicate inside the text in the hopes of capturing every aspect for the audience. Some may utilize imagery more straightforwardly, giving so much to the general reader.






Demszky, D., Garg, N., Voigt, R., Zou, J., Gentzkow, M., Shapiro, J., & Jurafsky, D. (2019). Analyzing polarization in social media

Gladkova, A., & Larina, T. (2019). Anna Wierzbicka, language, culture and communication


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