Should avant-garde composers have claim to musical quality?  Where would you draw the line between creativity and chaos? 


Should avant-garde composers have claim to musical quality?  Where would you draw the line between creativity and chaos?  Does it mean anything to the listener that a compositional process is well-organized on paper but may not be as obvious to the ear?  Should this be a factor in quality?  Also, please address this important question:  How much has been missed throughout history by the discouragement of contributions from marginalized groups?


Should avant-garde composers have claim to musical quality?


Avant-garde music is a type of music that is contemplated to be at the frontline of innovation in its area. Its composers should claim musical quality since the music is an evaluation of existing aesthetic conventions, neglection of social status in commendation of distinct or original elements. Moreover, its idea of intentionally challenging its audience is a factor. Besides, just like other music, it should claim its quality.  Generally, everything comes from the struggle between the cosmos and chaos. As random mutations drive evolution, the case also applies to music.  Chaos often drives creativity to generate unique concepts and solve problems appropriately. There is no creativity without chaos; however, creativity is all about the spaces in between the lyrics. On the other hand, any music needs to have a well-organized compositional process on paper and what is heard. As much as it is essential to the composers, it is also essential to the listener. However, it is better for the listener to have a well-organized process but may not be obvious to the ear. What one may hear as music may not be music to others, but a well-organized compositional process has a significant impact on the rhythms and is the center of the music.

Generally, many elements form the basing of quality in music. Among them are timbre sense, the character of musical tone and the effect produced by a harmonic combination of musical tone. On the other hand, a well-organized compositional process on paper also contributes to quality. A well-organized musical composition will promote the creation of an exquisite piece of music which is a factor in quality. Every human being has a unique talent and abilities which should be embraced and encouraged. People can make an outstanding contribution in a different field if given a chance. Therefore, discouraging the contribution from marginalized groups means killing and burying talents that could have been brought to the public. By discouraging them, their creativeness and innovation will be missed out, which could have made a considerable contribution in the field of art and innovation. Therefore, all contributions from people from different regions and ethnicities should not be discouraged but instead encouraged and embraced.

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