What is the importance of using risk/needs assessments in probation?


What is the importance of using risk/needs assessments in probation?


What is the importance of using risk/needs assessments in probation?

By: Essayicons.com

         A risk assessment is a procedure that identifies possible dangers and evaluates what might happen if any of them arises. The following are the importance of using risk/needs assessment in probation; Probation officers utilize risk assessment to determine the level of control and supervision, including home confinement and electronic monitoring. Furthermore, as part of reintegration and supervision plans, risk assessments are utilized by case managers and healthcare personnel to determine requirements and connect individuals to relevant services. (Viglione et al, 2018)

      With their caseloads already overburdened, parole officers need risk assessment techniques. This is effective in giving essential information in the attempt to examine the risk of reducing recidivism and assigning a suitable level of guidance. However, the factors that determine whether one should re-offend seem to be incredibly complicated. Misjudgment needs to carry incredibly huge possible risks for the probation officer, the public, and the caseworker. While using risk and needs assessments in probation, it is essential to understand the tool’s limitations and use your discretion. (Singh et al, 2018)

      Risk needs Assessments delivers a static piece of information at a certain point in a probationer’s life. But, just like the rest of us, probationers’ lives change over a given time. A parole officer who loses his job may be at a significantly higher risk of drug usage than when he was first assessed. The RNA could have shown no need for drug misuse counseling when it was first provided; however, the need is now very real to maintain the probationer online. Parole officers are on high alert for such life transitions and reassess the perpetrator’s risk and need appropriately, adjusting the level of monitoring or probation restrictions as needed and getting court aid when needed.

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